Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Scrumptious Birthday + A New Blog

After a pretty average weekend, I had a great Monday and an even better Tuesday. You can read a little about last night on my new blog, here ... assuming you read Spanish. (You can also use Google translate.) The blog, as the header declares, is an Oberlin course blog for my Communication and Conversation class.

I've been up to so much lately, I don't know where to begin. It snowed over the weekend, fairytale flakes that danced in the air and coated us as we stood laughing. Monday was Peter's birthday (which, together with work and other pesky side effects of having a life, prevented me from blogging), and we walked down to the Arb with a pizza tray to try and sled. Well, the sled idea was a bust. It did make an interesting shield for the ensuing snowball fight, and even a semi-successful catapult. Our gifts to Peter included candy and self-restraint -- we resisted telling the whole co-op it was his birthday, for which he was grateful.

Last night was cake night! I gave him coupons for six more weeks of winter and a cooking tool of his choice. (Suggestions included a garlic press, a scalpel and a garden rake.) Hannah made him a Peter doll from materials from the free box. It was adorable, and also had no legs. Our cake ended up sticking to the bread pans we made it in, but we dug out all the pieces and made mountain cake. It was wonderful. Life was wonderful. I'm going to biology now. More later, maybe.


  1. This is a random space-filler comment entry - because Nature abhors a vacuum (but doesn't mind a hurricane-shaped broom poking into messy corners every now and again). Cheers & love - your random space-filler commenter

  2. How many months have 28 days?


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