So, yes, I am aware that I was going to update daily, and then on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Similarly, I am aware that I have not done so. I will resume today. Feel free to send me angry, hurt, neglected emails if Friday's entry fails to appear.
Today I got to lunch late because I was at the A Capella hymn-sing. It was really wonderful today, led by a little old lady who comfortably referenced and listed old hymns as support for her talk. We sang one to the tune of Hyfrydol and one to a tune whose name I don't remember. (I looked at it in the corner and immediately forgot. I might remember it later in a flash of brilliance, but I doubt it.)
Anyway, I got to the kitchen to find my saved plate all made up! Lunch was flatbread, chickpea salad, and a green-bean-and-seitan stir fry. This is only the second time we've had seitan, and the first ingredients list on which it was spelled correctly -- on Monday, we had Fried Satan and Satan Sauce.
This afternoon, I was restless and moody, but got a couple of hours of work done. Then I went to the Majors Fair and discovered that you can't do anything with a bachelor's degree anymore. Maybe I'll drop out and build straw-bale houses for a living, instead.
On that cheery and uplifting note, it's almost time for dinner! Tonight I have a meeting with my co-KitchPoCos and our Cleanliness and Maintenance Coordinator (our boss, advocate, and contactperson -- essentially a KitchPoCo Plus), just to check in after Fall Break and ensure that all is running smoothly. Then I have Taize and a quick study session with my friend Will from my Econ 101 section. The material has started to become a lot less self-explanatory ... wish me luck!
I better get down to dinner. Ciao, all.
please don't entertain the thought of dropping out. straw-bale houses are great, but your talents are so much more needed in the peace corps or americorps or wall street or your local school system. i know you are kidding, but i am not when i say that the u.s. is looking for a senator or a president with your grasp of the issues. so, lots of love and luck as you continue to strive for excellence and honesty in your studies and relationships. I love you, my pookie bear. :)