Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sugar Cookies

You might have noticed that today is Wednesday. That puts me two updates behind, but hopefully, you would all rather read fewer updates about more interesting things than a lot of updates about how I sat around all day and accomplished nothing. Well, very little, anyway.

I have completed a few more projects, although the one-per-day rule is starting to plague me. I have modified it to mandate making one thing per day instead of creating one thing per day, opening the field to things like "important arrangements" -- my Friday project, which included arrangements for scholarships and summer employment, among other things.

I haven't completely gone to pieces, though. On Sunday, Allie and I made Crisco-recipe sugar cookies and cut them into fun shapes, including a narwhal, a ukulele, and a velociraptor. Here is a picture of the first tray of cut cookies:

And, because I am just so proud, of the second tray:

My favorite is Allie's ghost in the bottom-left corner. You can't see its other arm in the picture, but rest assured, it's frighteningly adorable.

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