Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday, Friday ...

Wow, remember that song? No? Apparently last semester they played it every Pizza Night. Three times. Normal, dubstep and the version done by the administration (too late to link, but worth a Google if you like silly people lip synching in a club car). Anyway, although I had a pretty lazy Friday, I am not guilty of the lyrics "Yesterday was Thursday, tomorrow is Saturday." For that I consider my day well-spent.

I did do a little compost hauling today, and then a little chicken wrangling, and then some painting; then a lot of reading, all the way through my backyard chicken book and through a childhood favorite by Garth Nix. I'm going to feed the fishies now, but I hope everyone has a smashing weekend! I'll try to post again. Meanwhile here is a great picture of Josh knitting his beautiful, beautiful scarf.

And one of Skarp with a slice of her birthday cake! I'll spare you the pictures with sparklers. Skarp is a Tasty Things maker, a circus performer and an aerialist. The next airshow is on Parents' Weekend, Mom, so you'll get to see her and other ridiculously talented acrobats fly through the air on silks. For everyone else, I'm sure Ma'ayan will post pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, it's an awesome video, and here's the link:
    And it's even better because Ma'ayan gets a credit! Love, Dad


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