Saturday, January 8, 2011

One Galaxy and One Menagerie

It is occasionally a little difficult to concentrate on writing a blog entry when there is a cat on your lap, stretching, purring contentedly and digging razor-sharp claws into your thigh. Especially when that cat is watching a dog watching two other dogs wrestle over a rope. So if I sign off early, you'll know why.

So what's with the cat? My friend John and I are in Maine, visiting Ali and Nikki, some folks from a conference called PeaceJam. Nikki has an entire menagerie of animals! The zoo includes Chance and Deuce, two labs with sweet dispositions and energy to spare; two bipolar lap cats who will either purr and lick your invading hand or attempt to savage it; and a rabbit. Hannah, a puppyish spaniel, visited on Saturday morning.

Here is a picture of Deuce taken a few years ago in Caribou, presumably by Nikki:

Despite the picture, he is more likely to spend his time bellying up to the nearest human in search of a head rub than chasing after a ball -- unlike Chance, a tireless lab-greyhound-boxer mix who will fetch anything anyone is willing to throw.

Nikki's mom graciously allowed us to join the three kids and five animals for a weekend, and tried to keep out from under her feet. On Friday night, our hosts took us out to go Galaxy Bowling, which is -- well, not exactly what it sounds like. It's essentially glow-in-the-dark bowling with dance music, disco balls and a few contests for good measure. We went with nine or ten Mainers and had a lot of fun.

I enjoyed tubing on Saturday even more, although we couldn't stay too long. We finished up our stay with a delicious (and hilarious) dinner at Texas Roadhouse, which is, judging from the Saturday night crowd, a big deal in Maine. Who knew?

1 comment:

  1. "On Friday night, our hosts took us out to go Galaxy Bowling, which is -- well, not exactly what it sounds like." Okay, I'm interested in what those alternative Galaxy Bowling events might be like . . . N.C.


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