Monday, October 17, 2011

Chickens, class, class, class, lunch, lab, homework, reading, dinner, chickens, meeting, time-wasting, chickens, blogging.


Woke to sunlight! Watered chickens.
Learned about meristems (sounds like a holiday),
two minutes sunlight, feet in the grass;
learned about -- well, wasn't paying attention.
then spent four minutes breathing dandelion breath;
learned about entropy! minor epiphanies.
Got a chocolate bar in campus mail as a thank-you from Eli.
Fed chickens -- ate rice -- fed chickens rice.
In lab, heated compounds, dripped acid, used a space-age color machine.
Did homework. Shared data. Read Claiborne. Went home.
Ate dinner with Darling drinking dregs of sunlight.
Met about food and fair labor.
Read Claiborne.

1 comment:

  1. Which Claiborne? This one?:
    Love, Dad


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